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Academic Affairs: Rubrics


A new suite of pages with up-to-date resources, templates, demos, and guides for instructors and faculty is coming soon! 

The new Center for Teaching Excellence, located in Room 203 of the Wells Campus main building, is slowly but surely compiling materials to help instructors and faculty create, manage, and self-assess their courses. The new pages will be available before the Spring '24 Term ends. In the meantime, here are accurate materials related to this page: 


Very simply, a rubric is a list of criteria that an instructor uses to grade a student's performance.  These scoring guides can be used for any assignment or project as well as class participation. Rubrics can be a helpful tool in communicating expectations for an assignment because they provide descriptions of high quality work allowing students to understand what an instructor is looking for in a project.

There are many benefits to using a rubric.  Instructors can provide formative feedback to students that helps them to understand their performance and why they received a certain grade; they also help instructors to be fair in grading and can make grading more manageable. 

Several resources are available to assist instructors in creating high-quality rubrics.  Explore the samples to the right, create a rubric with a template or by tweaking another instructor's rubric, or use one of the generators to create your own.  Also remember that rubrics evolve over time, so take notes about what works well in your rubrics and edit them until they satisfy your needs for the assignment.

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