Five students volunteered to participate in our study, motivated in part by the $25 gift certificate to the bookstore that we offered. Participants ranged in age from mid-20's to mid-50's. Four women, one man.
Here are the results of the Participant Information form that we administered right before the study.
How many library instruction classes have you had at YCCC?
Two of our participants had no library instruction at YCCC at all. Three of the participants had received 1 – 3 classes. No one had had 4 or more classes.
If you had any library instruction, do you remember the topics of the classes you had?
Three of the participants had received the two basic library instruction classes that we typically deliver in Eng 101: Website Evaluation and Research Strategy. One student had received a subject-specific introduction to library resources for Medical Assisting.
How do you rate your level of computer skill?
All five participants rated themselves as intermediate computer users.
How often do you use the Library’s website?
Two of the participants use the library’s website a few times a week. Two reported using the library website rarely – these two students were also the same two students who had not received any library instruction. One participant said that her use of the library website varied and depended on her course schedule each semester – some classes are not library research intensive.