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Career Research, advanced: Getting Started

Explore careers, learn about resumes and cover letters, get interviewing tips and get help finding a job.



This guide contains resources designed to aid you in exploring careers.

Start by assessing your skills, interests and values.  Compare these to the skills used in potential jobs and careers.  The closer you can match personal and professional interests, the more likely you will find a career that will inspire you!


Step One - Assess Yourself

Tools to help identify your skills, interests and the values important for your career success.

Step Two - Explore Careers

Use these tools to find out what jobs match your interests, skills and values.

My Skills, My Future

mySkills myFuture Logo
Enter a recent job you've held, and find other careers using similar skills.


Are you considering moving to a different part of the state or country?  Check these federal statistical sites to compare costs of living, salaries, education, etc.