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EDU 160: Technology in Education: Creating a WebQuest

The Assignment

  The Assignment: Create a webquest on a specific topic.  The tools below will help you to locate appropriate sources for your project.


Find encyclopedia articles online




  • A great place to look for background information
  • Preferred over Wikipedia articles by your instructors
  • Comes with properly formatted citations for your bibliography!

Search the YCCC Library & beyond

Enter your keywords:

Limit by source type:  

  • Search for books, ebooks, and streaming video, plus DVDs and CDs
  • Use the ISBN from books, DVDs, and CDs to add them to your bibliography in Noodlebib.
  • YCCC doesn't have it?  Learn how to request materials from other Minerva libraries.  
  • Like ebooks and audiobooks? Try the Maine Download Library for popular ebooks and audiobooks.

Search the Web



Google Scholar


Additional resources for further research