Scanning your topic in an encyclopedia, dictionary, or handbook will provide background information that can:
Having this general information can jump-start your search for books, articles, and websites.
Whether you're looking for --
-- you need to tell the computer how to look for the information you want to find. You need to develop your topic. Note the following steps and see the example in the box below.
If you're having trouble coming up with a topic question or statement, consider the following questions with your topic in mind:
If you can't find any information for your assignment or you don't know where to begin try these 4 steps:
1. Write out your topic as a statement or question. (if you need help with this step try creating a workable research question or from topic to reseach question)
Is memory loss related to aging?
2. Select the main concepts or keywords.
The research question, "Is memory loss related to aging?" has two main concepts
3. In order to expand your "searching vocabulary" list synonyms or alternatives for your concepts or keywords. (Note: You may not need or want synonyms for every concept or keyword)
4. Combine your keywords (by choosing from each concept) and add the word AND or OR. This will help you and the computer get results.
Remember: You can search using a single word or phrase or a more elaborate combination!