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Dr. Wesley Joseph Mills: Publications

Professor, English/Humanities

BOOK -- Ethics Primer: Considering Morality for the Contemporary World

Ethics Primer: Considering Morality

for the Contemporary World

by Dr. Wesley Joseph Mills

published by Cognella Publishing, 2022

San Diego, California


Vision and Voice:

A Synoptic Narrative of U.S. Civil Rights History

and the Societal Struggle for Justice and Equality

Revised Edition

by Dr. Wesley Joseph Mills

published by LAD Custom Publishing, 2019

BOOK: Vision and Voice


A Synoptic Narrative of U.S. Civil Rights History

and the Societal Struggle for Justice and Peace


by Dr. Wesley Joseph Mills

published by America Star Books, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-68090-473-4


Vision and Voice is an overview of the theme of civil rights in U.S. history. The book unfolds the significant and sometimes startling story of four hundred years of political, philosophical, and religious content working a way through challenging, historical, and social contexts in America. Herein, the book summarizes the story's central road by connecting key steps along the way, offering an informational and inspirational reading experience.


Note: This is the original edition; it has since been updated with the 2019 revision.




BOOK: Pieces of Passion in Search of Peace

Pieces of Passion

in Search of Peace

by Dr. Wesley Joseph Mills

published by PublishAmerica, 2012

ISBN: 9781456023065

An assortment of poetic reflections on the challenges of engaging passion and experiencing peace. The collection moves from clarifying vision and confronting vicissitude, to experiencing hurt and expressing hope, and finally to advancing love and affirming life. Using a precision of language and a rhythm of thought, the poetic themes probe the human experience and provoke a personal response, speaking to those who have both plunged the depths and soared the heights of human affection and aspiration.

The book is available from the publisher or the author (YCCC office B105 L), as well as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

BOOK: The Children's Menu

The Children's Menu

by Dr. Wesley Joseph Mills

published by Quiet Waters Publising, 2010

ISBN: 978-93475-49-5

A primer for adults seeking to understand and communicate biblical themes to children, youth, and their families. The book delineates guidelines for interpreting and presenting biblical lessons is a manner that is theologically lucid and pedagogically sound. After an introduction that underscores the method for biblical interpretation, the book unfolds a menu of sample lessons. Overall, the book endeavors to be a clear and concise resource for interpreting and communicating biblical texts.

The book is available from the publisher or the author (YCCC office B105 L), as well as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

BOOK: The Spirit of Teaching

The Spirit of Teaching

Editors:  Michael Brady and Desi Larson

Chapter 12 by Dr. Wesley Joseph Mills

published by University of Southern Maine Press, 2001

ISBN:  0-939561-30-1

Chapter 12 by Dr. Wesley Joseph Mills:

"The Spirit of Teaching as a Dialogue of Learning, Living, and Loving"

A discussion of teaching as an art, more than a science, that integrates knowledge and know-how in communicating and sharing with others.  It is advanced that teaching is largely communicative and intuitive and, as such, constitutes a dialogue between teacher and learner.  Such dialogue rests with an imaginative connection being made between the learning context and content.  The goal of teaching and learning, in this respect, is identified as transformation, not just information, and analogy is affirmed as central to the approach for such transformation, as teachers and learners move from the known to the new.

The book is available from Amazon and other online book distributors.

ARTICLE: Spirit of Teaching chapter 12 essay

Chapter 12, by Wesley J. Mills, included in The Spirit of Teaching, published 2001.

ARTICLE: "Teaching Philosophy and Methodology"

STORIES: Tales of Time

Tales of Time is a brief collection of reflection-style stories from the coast of Maine. 

Each of the three stories reflects on a childhood experience through adult eyes pondering the nuances of life.

RESEARCH ESSAY: In the Belly of the Beast--The Words & Witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This essay is an abbreviated version of the original text published by Book Tech, 1998.