Use the Web to find:
The quality of your work at YCCC depends on the credibility of the websites you include in your bibliographies.
It is recommended that you evaluate the web information you choose for academic use.
Other questions to ask yourself when considering websites for your project:
Is the information you found answering your research question?
How did you find the website?
Can you find an author?
Can you determine the purpose of the website?
If you need up-to-date information can you confirm a date on the website?
Is there a bibliography?
Are you tired of searching and the site you have is good enough?
Try this YouTube video on Evaluating Websites
This is one of the key questions when evaluating a website for academic use. (This information comes from the Utah State University Libraries)
Can you recognize the following types of websites?
News article or magazine article (more and more are available on the web)
Educational site
Government report/article/statistics
Scholarly article (more and more are available on the web)