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Mathematics: Math Home

A guide to library books and videos, as well as online resources for the Math student and Mathematics enthusiast.

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Welcome to the Mathematics Guide

Welcome to your one-stop library shop for math resource recommendations.  Click on the tabs above to visit course specific pages with lists of books, online references, videos, and more.

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Find other insightful Math-related TED talks here.

"We’re no longer intimidated by math, because we’re slowly redefining what math is." -- Dan Meyer

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I never could make out what those damned dots meant.
Churchill, Randolph, Lord (1849 - 1895) Referring to decimal points.*

*"Mathematics." Bloomsbury Thematic Dictionary of Quotations. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd, 1997. Credo Reference. Web. 06 November 2013.

More YCCC Library Resources

Check the Library Catalog for more Math related titles: