Portfolios submitted for review by October 1 will be evaluated in time for the start of spring course registration. Those received by March 1 will be evaluated prior to the start of the fall course registration. These deadlines allow the college enough time to review and make a decision in time for you to enroll in appropriate courses before they begin to fill.
Once submitted, the portfolio will be forwarded to the appropriate Faculty evaluator within the department in which the course is taught. Evaluation is completed and credit awarded or denied within 15 business days. Feedback provided on the review rubric will show a credit award, minor revisions requested (due back in 15 days), or credit denial.
Portfolio credits must be recorded on your transcript before they are considered earned. Therefore, plan ahead if you are seeking credit in a course that is a prerequisite for an advanced course.
For each course you are seeking portfolio credit, a Faculty Reviewer will be hired to review your portfolio and make the credit determination. A review fee of $125 per portfolio will be charged whether or not you receive the college credit you are seeking. Therefore, make sure you are a good candidate for the Portfolio Development process by taking the Self-Assessment before you begin.