General Education at YCCC
The mission of the General Education component of each degree program at YCCC is integral to the educational and professional development of students. Students undertake General Education studies in a variety of disciplines and fields, including communications, arts and humanities, social and behavioral studies, natural sciences, and mathematics, in order to:
General Education courses also provide students opportunities to develop competencies identified by employers, educators, and students as critical for success across a range of personal, professional, and technical endeavors. Skills and competencies that students develop through core courses are integrated and reinforced in other general education and technical courses across the curriculum.
The Maine Community College System has identified eight learning domains that make up the General Education core. These learning domains are assessed on a 5-year cycle, using rubrics developed in collaboration with our sister Maine community colleges. Results are presented to the Maine Community College System's Board of Trustees and are available below.
MCCS GLO 1: Writing:
MCCS GLO 2: Quantitative Literacy:
MCCS GLO 3: Natural Sciences:
MCCS GLO 4: Social Sciences: Students will be able to analyze or explain causal forces which shape social structures, institutions, or behavior through time.
MCCS GLO 5: Humanities: Students will be able to read, analyze, and interpret significant texts in order to make meaning, find purpose, and choose values that enhance our understanding of ourselves and govern our relationships with others.
MCCS GLO 6: Diversity: Students will demonstrate knowledge of cultural differences.
MCCS GLO 7: Ethical Reasoning: Students will develop an understanding of ethical theories and develop a logical system of values and morality and be able to apply those values and principles to moral problems.
MCCS GLO 8: Creative Arts: Students will be able to participate in, identify, or evaluate artistic and creative forms of expression.