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Writing Resources: 5. Drafting Paragraphs

Documents, tutorials, and links to helpful guides for every phase of the writing process

Drafting Paragraphs

If you have developed a strong thesis, collected your information, and planned your essay with an outline, you should be ready to draft your paragraphs.

One technique recommended is to write your body paragraphs first; then write your introduction and conclusion. This way you will draft an introduction and conclusion that match like bookends. Also, writers have the tendency to write too much in the introduction that should be in the body paragraphs.

Once the body of your essay is written, it may be easier for you to decide just how to introduce it.

Draft it!

A popular Learning Center guide useful for many kinds of writing assignments. A collection of worksheets to get you writing!

Building paragraphs

Building paragraphs is much easier if you recognize the basic parts of paragraphs. Your paragraphs should be clearly introduced by topic sentences and include information to support your points.