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Grant Application Procedure: Pre-Writing Stage

Would you like to apply for a federal or foundation grant? Let the YCCC Grant Development Office assist you! Read on for step-by-step instructions on grant development at YCCC.

Do Your Homework.


Grant writing is one step, the last step, in a planning and program development process.

Before you start looking for a grant to support your project or program, do your homework. Know what you want to do. Don’t wait for grant announcements or requests for proposals that might be close to your area of interest. Before you begin planning your project or program, consult with your department chair, dean, or vice president. Make sure your idea fits your departmental, institutional and personal development plans.

The Grant Development Office (GDO) is also prepared to assist in proposal idea development. Contact Audrey Gup-Mathews at 216-4325 for more information.


Search for funding sources that fit what you want to do, not vice versa. Go to the end of this packet for a list of Funding Sources recommended by the Grant Development Office. Also note that there are some internal sources of funding for research and creative activities. The GDO has access to a sophisticated grant search engine, so feel free to contact Audrey if you need help finding a lead on funding sources.

Once you have identified some potential funding sources, you are ready for the next step.


Before you meet with the Grants Coordinator, please complete a Grant Pre-Approval Form and submit it to the Grant Development Office. Completing a Grant Pre-Approval Form will give you the opportunity to organize your project, think about how much funding you might need, and consider partnering with other faculty, staff, or even another institution or business.  Once you have completed the form, a short meeting with the GDO will clarify roles, internal and external deadlines, who should be included, and what the process involves.  The purpose of the meeting is to determine that your proposed project or funding source is not already targeted by the college. It also ensures that we do not submit conflicting or competing proposals to the same funding source, or proposals that compromise long term fund raising activities.

If that funding source is already committed, you will be assisted in identifying other possible funding sources.