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Grant Application Procedure: Writing the Grant

Would you like to apply for a federal or foundation grant? Let the YCCC Grant Development Office assist you! Read on for step-by-step instructions on grant development at YCCC.

Follow the Guidelines


Most funding sources are VERY specific about what they want, and how they want it. Some limit the size of the application by the number of words. Yet others limit size by number of characters. Writing grants is an exercise in word efficiency, clarity of expression, and "salesmanship!"


Talk to the program officer that oversees the grant program, if you have questions. Program officers will vary in their ability and/or willingness to help you, but use them to the greatest extent they will allow.

Please make sure that you allow plenty of time to research and write the grant application and gather the appropriate supporting data and documents, so that you do not miss the deadline for submission. Most foundations do not accept applications after the deadline.

Also be aware that you cannot submit your proposal without institutional approval, and that the final draft must be submitted to the Grant Development Office ten working days before the submission deadline.

Don’t do it alone. Assemble a team to work with you. You may need expertise in some areas of the application that you don’t have (such as evaluation, statistics, etc.). Applications that reflect partnerships often have higher priority.

Get copies of funded proposals to see what the funder thinks a good proposal looks like. The Grant Development Office can assist you here. Check the funder’s website for their guide to grant writing.

Ask anyone who is willing to read drafts to review and comment for you. The Grant Development Office will also review and edit the proposal and budget.


Once your grant application is in final draft form, email the Grant Development Office ( and attach your draft proposal/application at least ten working days before the submission deadline. This is standard operating procedure for college grant offices; it is to allow enough time for appropriate edits, additions and clarifications. The GDO often needs to consult with the Business Office and Institutional Research Office on grant proposals. The Grant Development Office will notify you of edits to be made until the final draft is complete.  If you have less than ten days of lead time on a proposal, contact the GDO immediately to work out a timeline.


Helpful Hints

Grant Writing FAQ's