SUBMISSION – Get authorized signatures
Finally, after weeks of writing and re-writing, you are ready to submit the grant proposal. STOP! Only authorized signatures are accepted on a grant proposal or application – Your grant proposal must be signed by the President before it is submitted. With the President’s authorization, the Grants Coordinator submits federal grants. You may not sign off on your own proposal since grant awards enter the college into a binding contract.
The PI (Principal Investigator) is responsible for providing materials to the Grant Development Office for submission. The GDO will secure the required signatures and submit the final copy. In the case of electronic submissions, the PI uploads and prepares the application. The GDO then reviews and approves the application one final time, and submits the final copy.
Now you wait. It may take several months before a decision is made, depending on the funding source. Start working on your next grant, or find a different funding source to which you can submit the same grant. Once the funder makes a decision, a notice may be sent by the funder to the PI and/or the President. Notify the Grant Development Office immediately if you receive such a notice.
If your grant is approved, please notify the GDO immediately. We will work with you to review both YCCC’s and the funder’s policies on grant administration and accounting, and plan for meeting in a timely manner all ongoing or final reporting requirements, and all agreements in general as to deliverables. Special account codes will be established for your grant. The Finance Office will draw funds from the funding source according to their policy and deposit it in your account. Please keep all receipts from purchases made with grant funds! Contact the budget coordinator for instructions on how to spend down your grant funds.
Another important, but often overlooked aspect of post award grant management is planning for your next grant. Plan ahead! Don’t wait until you are finished with one before you start thinking about the next. Also, remember to send the funder of your grant a report(s) regarding the progress of your project, how funds were spent, etc. Most foundation and government grants require such reporting, but it is also an important way to build credibility and a solid relationship with the funder, which will pave the way for future grants.
Due to limited funding and high levels of competition, success rates on first applications for most government programs are less than 20 percent. However, the success rate on subsequent applications increases because the government (and most private funding sources) will tell you how you can improve it. You will often get the grant reviewer’s comments in writing. If not, ask for it. With this feedback, you can revise, improve and resubmit your proposal in the next funding cycle. Go back to Step # 1 and start over. Think long term.
Grants Received in 2016
Grants Received in 2017
Grants Received in 2018
Grants Received in 2019