Thank you for your interest in our Academic Internship Program. Internships are a great way for students to participate in challenging work assignments that are related to their academic program. Internships also promote your company/organization by increasing your visibility on campus and enhancing your image in the community. Hosting an intern would give you the opportunity recruit future employees, evaluate and develop prospective employees, or simply provide a fresh perspective on projects that might not have been completed otherwise.
If you are interested in becoming an internship site, please contact the Associate Academic Dean. Sites must meet our Internship Guidelines in order to become an approved site. We recommend you begin the process at least three to four months prior to the start of the academic semester in which you would like the student to begin. This will give you plenty of time to complete the necessary paperwork and arrange a site visit. By starting the process early, you will also have more time to interview candidates and improve your chances of finding a highly qualified student for the position.
Internship Process:
Site Supervisors will: