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Prior Learning Portfolio: Process

PLA Portfolio Process


YCCC students can begin the PLA Portfolio Process once they are matriculated into a degree program and have earned 6 credits, including ENG101.  The earlier in the degree the portfolio is submitted, the more beneficial to the student and the academic advising process.  

If you are not currently a YCCC degree student, please contact our Director of Admissions for more information regarding the prior learning options available to you.

Process  Overview:

  1. Complete the PLA Self-Assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for the PLA process. 
  2. Contact the PLA Portfolio Advisor to schedule a PLA initial interview. 
  3. Assemble your portfolio using the Portfolio Development Handbook.  It is recommended that you utilize the writing tutorial services provided through the Learning Center as needed.  Portfolio-specific questions should be directed to the PLA Portfolio Advisor.
  4. Once you have assembled all of the necessary pieces, schedule a meeting with the PLA Portfolio Advisor to ensure completeness and gain approval to submit to Academic Affairs for the final review process.
  5. Complete the Request for PLA Credit form and submit a copy to Academic Affairs along with two copies of your portfolio. The application fee must be paid in the Business Office before the review process can begin.  For more information, see PLA Portfolio Deadlines & Fees.