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The Student Success Commons at York County Community College: Home

Welcome to the Student Success Commons 

The Student Success Commons at York County Community College is an integrated space that includes tutoring centers, the library, success coaches, access to the Office of Student Accessability Services, and more. We offer semester-long support to all YCCC students for:

■ Writing, for any subject
■ Math*
■ Science*
■ Online learning
■ Research
■ Study skills
■ and more!

*Math tutoring covers all MAT classes and dosage calculations. Science tutoring covers General Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Human Anatomy and Physiology II, and Microbiology.

Tutoring and Support Details


Tutoring for math, writing, and science is available online this summer! See below for important details.


An open Zoom will be available:

THURSDAYS 12:30-3:00PM

SATURDAYS: 6:00-8:00PM

Please visit our math page for important information including the tutoring Zoom link!


If you are not available during the drop in hours please send an email or check into making an appointment. Students are also welcome to email screenshots and general questions any time! 


Writing tutoring and support is available for any subject! From discussion board posts to essays, we've got you covered.

Support is available Monday-Sunday. To request an appointment connect with szimmer@mainecc.eduPlease feel free to send over any questions or Word documents for review even without an appointment.


Science tutoring is available for:

  • General Biology
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I 
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • Microbiology

Support is available Monday-Sunday. To request an appointment email


Whether you're looking for math, writing, or science tutoring, please include as much information in your email as possible; the more we know the better we can help! Feel free to email any day of the week throughout the summer. P
lease allow up to 48 hours for a reply (not including holidays).

Awesome math students in the SSC

The Mission of the Student Success Commons

The Student Success Commons is an integrated, active space that includes the library, tutoring services, a writing center, student success coaches, and easy access to the Office of Student Accessibility Services.

The SSC Team offers math, writing, and science tutoring, as well as support for online learning, study tips, and time management skills. Among other things, our success coaches are here to help you find the information you need to make your academic path as smooth as possible. Our knowledgeable librarian is an excellent resource for finding the material you need when you need it, and our campus space encourages group learning, while still offering quiet spaces for personal studying. 

As #YourPathToSuccess the SSC offers the resources and guidance students need to enhance learning outside of the classroom and support to reach academic and personal goals! 

Explore our website to learn more about the free services available to all YCCC students and to take advantage of the hundreds of resources.

You can also find us on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram where we post helpful tips, reminders, and announcements: @YCCSSC

YCCC Student Success Commons Strategic Planning

Meet the SSC Team!

Denise Treacy
Director of Student and Academic Success

Learn more here!

Sue Zimmer
Writing and science (human biology and anatomy) tutor

Learn more here! 

Karissa Cole, tutor Karissa Cole
Math, Physics and WEB 131 tutor

Learn more here! 
Tyler Davies
Peer Math Tutor
Maureen Simmons, e-learning specialist Maureen Simmons
Online Learning Coach
Brightspace Support Specialist

Annette Tanguay

Learn more here! 

Michele Gallagher
Student Accessibility Services Coordinator

Learn more here! 

Elise LaPlante
Student Success Coach

Learn more here! 

Austin Sorette
Student Success Coach

Learn more here! 

Aubre Cox
Student Success Coach

Learn more here! 

Contact Us


Have a Question?

Contact us now and tell us how the Student Success Commons can help you:



Please check out our extensive E-Learning section, which contains helpful video tutorials and tips! You can also visit the Brightspace community to search their FAQs or contact support, or connect with the SSC E-learning Coach Maureen Simmons.

mini-people-with-bulb-light-idea image from Freepik by studiogstock Image by studiogstock on Freepik




Student Success Commons at York County Community College

112 College Drive Wells, ME 04090


Quick links:  YCCC Homepage  |  MyYCCC Portal  |  Library  |  YCCC Email  |   Brightspace  |  Technical Support