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The Student Success Commons at York County Community College: Math

Welcome to the Math Section

Welcome to the SSC's Mathematics Section

Here you can find dozens of resources to help you get through your math class. Check out our FAQ, general math resources, YouTube channel, and more.

Accessing Your E-book!

Math Resources

Order of Operations: GEMDAS When evaluating mathematical expressions, be sure to follow the order of operations:

1) G: Groupings. These include parentheses, brackets, and braces.
2) E: Exponents. This includes roots and radicals.
3) M and D: Multiplication or Division. These both have the same "weight" so when you get to this step do whichever operation comes first when working from left to right.
4) A and S: Addition or Subtraction. These both have the same "weight" so when you get to this step do whichever operation comes first when working from left to right.

According to an experiment run by Dr. Peter Price of the Classroom Professor website, about 75% of students get the wrong answer by not using the order of operations. In his experiment Dr. Price posted the following brainteaser:

7 - 1 × 0 + 3 ÷ 3 = ?

Out of the 6,000 respondents, only 26% arrived at the right answer. Try out this problem for yourself and see what you get.
. . . . . . . . .
Did you get 8? If so, congrats, you're using the order of operations! If you got a different answer check out Order of Operations 101, an article from the Calculator Site linked below for a complete explanation about GEMDAS (also known as PEMDAS).

 Order of Operations 101

 You can also visit Khan Academy if you'd like more review and practice with the order of operations. 

Math Anxiety

Math Tutoring 101

When is tutoring available?

Drop-in Math Tutoring (Fall 2024)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
9:30am-5:00pm 10:00am-5:00pm 9:30am-5:00pm 9:30am-3:30pm

Not on campus but still need math support? A Zoom room will be open Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00am-2:00pm--feel free to drop in just as if you were on campus! For additional remote support throughout the week you can also email with any questions! Screenshots are welcome. Please allow up to 48 hours for a reply between Monday 9:00am and Friday 12:00pm.


What is drop-in tutoring?

Drop-in (or walk-in) tutoring allows students to work with a tutor, without needing to set up an appointment. Each semester we announce our drop-in hours of availability and welcome students to drop in as their schedule allows.

  • You and a tutor will work on whatever concepts you need support with.
  • We're here to help you at your level, whatever that is!
  • Drop-in tutoring is not the same as a study group or a workshop. Students are welcome to work alongside friends and classmates but it is not required.
  • There may only be one or two tutors available so we cannot guarantee uninterrupted one-on-one tutoring but we do promise to give each student equal attention and support.
  • Your tutor will not lead the session as if teaching a class. Drop-in tutoring is student-based so be sure to come with questions!


What can a math tutor do?

We can:

  • Help you understand and interpret questions.
  • Show you how to take and use good notes.
  • Provide support and encouragement.
  • Assist you with homework.
  • Help you understand the material.
  • Show you how to use calculators and programs like StatCrunch or Excel (if required in your class).
  • Work with you on examples to help you understand the steps and concepts.
  • Help you review past quizzes and make notes that will assist you for future assignments.
  • Provide custom resources.
  • Work with you as little or as much as you need!

It's important that your math grade reflects your personal effort and abilities, which means the Student Success Commons tutors are here to help you, but in a way that ensures your work is your own. Please remember that assistance for homework assignments and studying is allowed, and you are welcome to work with a partner on these things while at the SSC. However, students are not permitted to receive help from tutors, classmates, friends, family, or AI during any quizzes or tests unless otherwise explicitly indicated by your instructor.

In addition, it is the student's responsibility to read the syllabus, stay on top of upcoming assignments and announcements, read their ebook, utilize any videos and notes provided, and take the initiative to seek tutoring and support options whenever needed.


How does Zoom tutoring work?

The tutor will ask you to share your screen or send over a photo of the question you'd like to work on. Your tutor will then share their screen so the two of you can look at the problem together. A virtual whiteboard and on-screen calculator will be used so you can see clearly in realtime how to work through the question. If there are multiple students in the Zoom room, you will have the option to be put into a breakout room—just ask!


Is tutoring one-on-one?

Since tutoring is open to all math students, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted one-on-one tutoring for any length of time. If there are multiple students seeking support at the same time, the tutor(s) will split their time equally between all students. You may work with the other students if you wish, but it is not required. 


What is "tutoring via email/video"?

If you send your question(s) via email, a tutor may respond with a written explanation or by sending a relevant video. Our tutoring videos aim to emulate a tutoring session and are a valuable resource for students with busy schedules. You can get your questions answered, see the steps, follow along, and rewatch the video any time you need. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel to see some of the tutoring videos we have uploaded. If you don't see the video you're looking for just email your questions and ask for the video you need.


What if I can't come to drop-in tutoring? 

We want to offer support to as many students as possible. If you're looking for remote math support outside of the drop-in hours please email Karissa Cole to discuss options. (Please allow up to 48 hours for a reply.)


Who qualifies for math tutoring?

Any student currently enrolled in a MAT class or class involving dosage calculations at YCCC qualifies for free tutoring at the Student Success Commons.


How do I sign up for tutoring?

Students do not need to sign up for math tutoring. Simply let us know you'd like support by stopping in to the SSC or by emailing us.


Which tutor will I work with?

Students are not assigned tutors. Whichever tutor is available during the drop-in hours will be sure to work with you!


How long will a tutor work with me?

That's up to you! Whether you need 5 minutes or 5 hours, we're here for you. There is no time limit for students attending drop-in math tutoring during our hours of availability.


What math classes do you tutor?

Math tutoring covers any MAT course (MAT 118, MAT 126, etc.). Tutoring for dosage calculations is also available with Karissa Cole. Classes coded as ACC, BUS, and FIN are not covered under Student Success Commons math tutoring. If you need support with any of these classes please reach out to your advisor and student success coach.


I'm going to take a math class in an upcoming semester. Can I get tutoring to prepare?

No: regular tutoring is reserved for students currently taking math or a class requiring math. However, if you're planning to take a math class and want to be prepared you are welcome to reach out and a tutor will provide suggestions and resources to help you get started. We also reccomend you connect with your student success coach to enquire about other resources that may benefit you.



More questions? Please email us!


Drop-in (or walk-in) tutoring allows students to work with a tutor, without needing to set up an appointment. Each semester we announce our drop-in hours of availability and welcome students to drop in as their schedule allows.


  • You and a tutor will work on whatever concepts you need support with.

  • We're here to help you at your level, whatever that is!

  • Drop-in tutoring is not the same as a study group or a workshop. Students are welcome to work alongside friends and classmates but it is not required.

  • There may only be one or two tutors available so we cannot guarantee uninterrupted one-on-one tutoring but we do promise to give each student equal attention and support.

  • Your tutor will not lead the session as if teaching a class. Drop-in tutoring is student-based so be sure to come with questions!


Please see the "FAQ" and "What can a math tutor do?" boxes for more information about math tutoring.



*Please be aware that math tutoring covers any MAT course (MAT 118, MAT 126, etc.) and dosage calculations. Classes coded as ACC, BUS, and FIN are not covered under Student Success Commons math tutoring. Though we will always try to help you find the resources you need, tutoring for these and other non-MAT classes may not be fully available from the Student Success Commons math tutors. For more information please feel free to reach out to your success coach and/or your instructor.

It's important that your math grade reflects your personal effort and abilities, which can sometimes be more difficult when all your homework, tests, and quizzes are online. Student Success Commons tutors are here to help you, but in a way that ensures your work is your own. If you seek help from a SSC math tutor, please first understand what you can and can't expect.


What can a math tutor do?
We can... We cannot...
Help you understand and interpret questions Give you solutions for a problem
Show you how to take and use good notes Teach you the material from scratch (you must attend class, watch instructional videos, and read your textbook!)
Provide support and encouragement Sit with you through every quiz, test, or other assignment
Work with you on examples to help you understand the steps and concepts Work with you on examples while you're taking an exam
Help you review past quizzes and make notes that will assist you for future assignments Walk you through calculations during quizzes or tests
Show you how to use your calculator effectively Tell you if an answer to a quiz or test question is right or wrong before it's submitted
Please remember that assistance for homework assignments and studying is allowed, and you are welcome to work with a partner on these things while at the SSC. However, students are not permitted to receive help from tutors, classmates, friends, family, or AI during any quizzes or tests unless otherwise explicitly indicated by your instructor.
Suggested Math dos and don'ts
DO    DOn'T   
Thoroughly read your syllabus immediately. Print and keep handy, especially if you plan to meet with a tutor. Gloss over or forget about your syllbus. For tips making the most of your syllabus check out this video.
Utilize all the resources provided by your instructor. This may include PowerPoints and/or videos. Dive right into assignments without using all the tools at your disposal first.
Take clean, clear notes. For note-taking tips check out this workshop. Avoid writing things down.
Read the chapter/sections in your textbook each week. Reading math textbooks isn't always easy, but it can drastically improve your chance of success, especially if approached properly. Ignore your e-text.
Attempt as much of your homework as possible, utilizing your notes and class resources. Avoid trying homework questions. If they feel overwhelming, try checking out some tips and tricks from the SSC!
Avoid spinning your wheels. If you can't figure out a question after a reasonable amount of time, move on. Spend a disproportionate amount of time on one question.
Make notes of your questions before meeting with a tutor. Go in to tutoring without having tried the list of dos.


Feel free to send questions via email!

Whether you have a question about math tutoring and support, or you have a specific math problem, we're here to help! In order for us to provide the best support, please include:


  • Your full name as it appears in Brightspace 
  • The name you prefer to be called (if it differs from the above)
  • Your class
  • Your question(s)
  • Screenshots of your questions or concerns (if applicable)
  • Information about what you've already tried (e.g. what resources you've tried to use, feedback from your teacher, photos of your calculations, etc.)


Please allow up to 48 hours for a reply. Thank you.




Student Success Commons at York County Community College

112 College Drive Wells, ME 04090
Room 201


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