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The Student Success Commons at York County Community College: Student Accessibility Services

Student Accessibility Services

Do you have a documented disability that may or does interfere with your college education? If so, please do the following: Students are requested to contact Student Accessibility Services and schedule an appointment once they have been accepted to YCCC and plan to attend.

Contact Information

You can also visit the Accessibility Services page on the main YCCC website for the most up-to-date information.


Once your accommodations have been reviewed by Michele Gallagher, Coordinator of Accessibility Services, your letter of accommodation will be written.  Once you have received the accommodation letter, you (the student) will send it to your faculty through your YCCC email. You may choose to send all your accommodations or send specific accommodations to specific courses. If you choose not to send your letter, then faculty will not know your accommodations.  

Please keep in mind that for your accommodations to be implemented, letters must be sent:  

  • As close to the beginning of each semester as possible (you can send letters later, but some accommodations take time to implement)  
  • For each course, you are enrolled in, especially if you change courses or switch course sections  

It is highly recommended that you follow up with your instructors after you send your letter. This will help ensure that your accommodation needs are met within each individual course.  

If you are seeking accommodations, please visit: Michele Gallagher, Coordinator of Accessibility Services, will discuss your next steps once the request and documentation has been provided. You can also email her at 

Here is a sample email to help you make that connection with your professor.   

Hello Professor,     

I have been working with Accessibility Services and have received academic accommodations. I have attached my accommodation letter to this email (be sure to attach the letter!) but also have provided a brief summary below.  

 My accommodations consist of: (Insert your own; these are just examples)  


• 50% Extended time on exams   

• Extensions on assignments- I understand that this is to be used sparingly, and I will email you in advance to be able to work out the details on how to implement this accommodation.    

Please let me know if you have any questions.    



(Your Name)  

Transitioning from High School to College

The transition from high school to college can present changes and challenges for all students. Students with disabilities may find those challenges especially overwhelming.  The responsibilities of college are significantly different from those of public school districts, which often can make the transition from high school to college-level difficult, but not if you understand from the start what types of accommodations are available at the college level.

Differences Between High School and College for Students With Disabilities:


High School College
High school personnel have the responsibility to try to modify inappropriate behavior caused by the disability into appropriate behavior. Students are responsible for their own behavior and inappropriate behavior is not tolerated
Tests are often modified, shortened or questions are modified. Students are expected to take the same tests as all students
Shortened or modified assignments, as well as extra time to complete assignments, are often given. Students are expected to do the same work in the same time frame as all students.
Teachers are asked to adapt their teaching mode to the student. Faculty has academic freedom on delivery, course content, requirements, and method of evaluation.
Accommodations are given for all subjects and do not have to be supported by diagnostic evaluation. Accommodations are given only in the area of disability and must be supported by documentation.
Students are scheduled to see Resource personnel on a regular basis or can go to the resource room on a drop-in basis. Students must initiate requests for services.
Students’ studies are directed by special education teachers. Students must have skills to organize, plan and study independently.
Special educators inform instructors about a student’s accommodation needs. Students talk to their instructors about accommodation needs.


High School College
Services are provided under IDEA or Section 504, Subpart D. Services are provided under ADA and Section 504, Subpart E.
The IEP is mandated and followed. The high school IEP ends and there is no IEP at the college level.
The student has a right to an education, paid for by the State.  Therefore, special programs are created to meet the student’s needs. A college education is a privilege instead of a right and special programs are not required.
Parents are actively involved in planning and decisions. Students are considered adults and should advocate for themselves.  Parents’ involvement should be secondary.
Accommodations are provided to ensure the success of the student. Accommodations are provided to ensure equal access and success is the responsibility of the student.
School Districts are responsible for identifying and evaluating the disability at no cost to students or families. The student must self-identify and provide appropriate and current documentation based on the College’s requirements.  The College is not responsible for the cost of evaluations.
Parents sign documents for students. Students sign for themselves.
High school personnel talk freely with parents. The Buckley Amendment requires that the student give written permission to personnel to talk with parents.


High School College
Transportation is provided. Transportation and mobility on campus is the responsibility of the student.
Often paraprofessionals are provided if a student needs personal care or behavioral management assistance. The college is not responsible for providing personal care or behavioral management assistance.
Adaptive technology is minimally used. Students are expected to use available adaptive technology.
Few students are exposed to textbooks in alternative formats because special educators clarify reading selections. Students may be provided texts in alternate formats if their documentation supports this accommodation.
Adapted from St. Louis Community College

Accommodation Inquiries and Requests

Students can disclose their disability to the Office for Student Disability Services at any time while enrolled at York County Community College, from the time they submit their application to any point throughout the semester. It is each student’s responsibility to contact the Office for Student Disability Services, as soon as possible, to arrange for reasonable accommodations.

If you wish to request accommodations, please:

■ Complete and submit the Accommodations Request/Inquiry Form
■ Provide documentation.*
■ Work with the Coordinator for Student Disability Services to design appropriate and reasonable accommodations.

Accommodations will be considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account course requirements and the nature and severity of the disability.

*Documentation should include:

■ Name, credentials and contact information of the evaluator/provider

■ Diagnostic criteria, testing results, symptoms

■ A description of how the disability impacts student’s ability to access learning, programs and activities at YCCC

Examples of documentation:

¨ Neuropsychological/Psychoeducational testing and report; Statement from psychiatrist, nurse practitioner, physician, physical therapist, occupational therapist speech therapist or other qualified clinical professional involved in student’s care; IEP or 504 plan from High School

Accommodations Request/Inquiry Form

Please note: Accommodations are not retroactive and can take up to two weeks to process; they will begin only after a student has completed the steps necessary for approval.

YCCC is committed to providing equal educational opportunities and access for individuals with disabilities. In conjunction with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and Section 504, the college accepts and provides reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities.


York County Community College has partnered with BetterMynd to offer our students access to online therapy sessions with their diverse network of licensed mental health counselors.

At YCCC, we believe in developing and supporting the success of our students on both a personal and academic level, and we know that this all starts with your mental health and wellness.

Through our partnership with BetterMynd, any YCCC student can now access free online therapy sessions. These live video-sessions are private and confidential, and can take place from the convenience of your laptop or smartphone.





Student Success Commons at York County Community College

112 College Drive Wells, ME 04090


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