Whether you're writing to your professor or a potential employer, keep these email tips in mind.
SUBJECTLINE: The subject in an email states the main purpose and goal of the content. This one line of text can affect how and when your email is opened and read. Keep your goal and audience in mind when crafting your email topic.
GREETINGS: Always use a proper salutation: "Dear [Name]," is the most common and professional way to start an email. Include the recipient's title if applicable. Avoid opening your email with no name or title whatsoever; using a name personalizes the communication, making the recipient feel acknowledged and more likely to engage with the email, as it shows you took the time to address them directly. This can lead to a more positive impression. In most professional settings, addressing someone by name is seen as polite and respectful. Also be sure to consider your relationship with the recipient. You can adjust your greeting based on your familiarity with the receiver. For example, when emailing your professor for the first time avoid being overly casual. Once you receive a reply, the person's sign-off can indicate their style and how they want to be addressed.
BODY: When writing professional emails keep things concise, clear, and respectful. It's important to write for your audience. This means adjusting your writing style to suit different recipients. For example, when emailing a dean at the college, it's best to keep the email professional, polished and free of any informalities. Emailing your work classmate (or the tutor you work with every other day) can be more casual. In any case, simple is better: keep it straightforward and to the point. Even if you have a lot to say, be sure to avoid any irrelevant information or lengthy sentences. When replying to an email match the tone of the writer. If they sign off with "Sincerely, Professor Smith" use the same tone in future correspondence. On the other hand, if the recipient replies with something like "Sounds good! Jane." it's reasonable to use a similar approach in future emails.
CLOSINGANDSIGN-OFFS: The closing is the last line of your email before you sign off. You can use it to thank the recipient, reiterate your message or question in a short sentence, or confirm details. Keep your closing clear snd concise. Your sign off, or signature, is where you sign off to end the email. Use a polite phrase, with the name and title you want the recipient to use when replying.
YOUREMAILADDRESS: It's a good idea to have a separate email for professional matters. "BrbEatingTacos@yahoo.com" is a perfectly fine email address but might not get the reaction you want in a more formal situation.
Student Success Commons at York County Community College