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The Student Success Commons at York County Community College: Student Success

What are Success Skills?


At the Student Success Commons at York County Community College, we realize that success isn't only a matter of taking tests or writing essays. Success in college—and beyond— also involves building success skills. Success skills are just what they sound like: the skills and abilities generally necessary for achieving success. These commonly include:

■ Time management
■ Prioritizing and planning
■ Problem solving
■ Critical thinking
■ Adaptability
■ Self-awareness
■ Communication


These and similar skills will benefit you both now, as a student, and in the future, as you progress toward your career goals.

You can find dozens of great resources on our site to help strengthen and build your success skills—especially in areas of time management, prioritizing, and planning. You'll also see how problem solving, critical thinking, self-awareness, and communication skills can increase your test-taking abilities and overall academic performance.

Granted, it takes time and effort to build any skill. On top of that, not all brains are wired to learn and adapt in the same way. That's why we offer support all semester long, and help you boost your skills in ways that fit your personal learning style. Please explore the various materials and resources on these pages to help boost your success skills!


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Student Success Commons at York County Community College

112 College Drive Wells, ME 04090


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